Aruba Spa

Round Fiberglass Spa w/Optional Spillover
7’6″ W x 7’6L x 3′ D

Alaglas Pools Fiberglass Aruba Spa in white with spillover

Aruba by Alaglas Pools


The 7’6” round Aruba spa is a perfect addition to your backyard either solo or when installed as a complement to your pool. The bench seating surrounds the 36” deep footwell while the entry step doubles as a cool-down seat.

Choosing the spillover option turns the Aruba into a dramatic water feature to enhance your poolside with the ambient sound of falling water.

Detailed Specs

Exterior dimensions: 7’6″ (W) x 7’6″ (L)
Interior dimensions: 7′ (W) x 7′ (L)
Depth: 3′ (Flat Bottom)Alaglas Pools' Aruba with Spillover spa model specifications drawing 8'x8'Alaglas Pools' Aruba spa model specifications drawing 8'x8'





Circular-shaped fiberglass spa
Available with or without spillover
Built-in bench seat around perimeter of spa
Built-in steps
Can be combined with any Alaglas pool

New Alaglas Pools' light gray color for fiberglass pools . Alaglas Pools' Quartz, a teal blue fiberglass swimming pool colorAlaglas Pools' Topaz, a neutral fiberglass swimming pool color  Alaglas Pools' White, original fiberglass swimming pool color

Tile & Mosaics


Aruba Spa with spillover

Alaglas Pools’ Aruba Spa in White with spillover.

Aruba Spa

Alaglas Pools’ Aruba Spa in Quartz with inset tile on steps and seating. 

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Get In Touch


165 Sweet Bay Road
Saint Matthews, SC 29135

Hours of Operation

Monday:  8am - 4pm
Tuesday:  8am - 4pm
Wednesday:  8am - 4pm
Thursday:  8am - 4pm
Friday:  Closed
Saturday:  Closed
Sunday:  Closed