Swimming Pool Maintenance
Enjoy a hassle-free swimming experience by keeping your pool in great condition from the start!
Congratulations on the Installation of Your New Alaglas Swimming Pool!
Thank You!
Thank you for purchasing an Alaglas Fiberglass Swimming Pool! We know you will enjoy the benefits of using your pool for years to come.
Your Alaglas Pool has been manufactured with superior materials and to our exacting quality standards to ensure you receive an exceptional product.
On this page, we will outline specific and important information so you can maintain and protect your Alaglas Pool. As with anything, correct maintenance is crucial to optimum performance of the product, your enjoyment and ultimately, your overall wellbeing.
We urge you to read through the information on this page or, by using the button above, you can download a PDF version of our Pool Handbook.
We cover your Alaglas Pool with a 50-Year Limited Structural Warranty and a 10-Year Limited Surface Warranty to the original purchaser of the pool. However, there are things you need to be aware of and steps you need to take to ensure your pool is properly maintained for the health and safety of pool users and to maintain your warranty coverage.
Our wish for you is health and happiness as you enjoy your Alaglas Pool with your family and friends.
Important Safety Information
Each year serious injuries and deaths are reported due to unsafe use of pools, equipment, and improper maintenance. Sadly, these are mostly preventable, but it means taking pool ownership seriously. Establish Pool Rules and make sure you have an emergency plan in case of an accident. Following are some areas to be hypervigilant about when using your pool:
Drowning can occur in any depth of water, even a bathtub! Never allow children to be in your pool unsupervised…even for a minute! For adults, always let someone know you are going in the pool or use the buddy system. Learn more pool safety tips from Pool Safely and the Red Cross.
Pool areas are fun, and excitement runs high but, establishing Pool Rules ensures everyone has fun, yet safety is prioritized. Diving, jumping, sliding, running or roughhousing around the pool can lead to serious or catastrophic injury. Make sure everyone knows what the rules are before things get out of hand and someone gets hurt.
Alcohol Consumption
While many adults enjoy alcoholic beverages, it’s not a good idea to combine them with pool use. Alcohol influences your balance, coordination, and judgment and its effects are increased by sun exposure. Among adults and adolescents, alcohol is involved in up to 70% of deaths associated with water recreation. Read more on the CDC’s Water Safety page.
Pool chemicals can be harmful if used or stored improperly. When some chemicals are mixed, explosion and fire can happen. Additionally, contact and inhalation burns can occur if these chemicals are not handled properly. To avoid any issues, read all labels on the chemical containers and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. ALWAYS store chemicals out of the reach of children. Watch this short video on pool chemical safety from the APSP.
Water conducts electricity. Make sure all appliances are kept well away from the pool area and are protected by a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI). Also, stay away from the pool when thunderstorms are in the area. Learn more from the National Lightning Safety Institute.
Diving /Jumping
No diving or jumping of any type should occur in any Alaglas Pool or spa. Our swimming pools and spas are not designed for diving or jumping into. We have integrated entry and exit stairs molded into each pool for safe entry and exit from your pool. Make sure to post NO DIVING and NO JUMPING notices clearly around your pool area. Diving or jumping into the pool could result in serious injury or death. Refer to local ordinances for more detail on posting pool safety signage.
Pool Slides
We do not design our pools for use with pool slides. Installing a pool slide is done at the pool owners’ risk and with the knowledge it could result in serious injury or death.
Pool Fencing
As always, pool fencing requirements are subject to local building ordinances. In many jurisdictions, no water may go into a pool until it is properly fenced and secured. It is critical that you check with your local building authority for specific guidelines and compliance.
Basic Pool Rules
Never leave children unattended. Stay engaged and do not be distracted by your phone or anything else! When multiple adults are present, watch children in rotation. This helps prevent lapses in supervision.
Learn basic water safety and enroll in swimming lessons for both you and your children.
Swim toys and floaties are not proper flotation devices so do not rely on them to keep children safe.
Learn the distress signs of drowning, they’re different than what you may expect. Learn the signs here.
Establish a ‘no one swims alone’ rule for ALL pool users, no matter how expert they are.
Keep these items handy for use in an emergency: cell phone, first aid kit, flotation device and a pair of scissors.
If a child is missing, check the pool first.
Learn how to perform CPR on both children and adults and update your skills regularly. For classes in your area contact your local Red Cross.
Share all safety instructions with family, friends, and neighbors. Posting safety instruction signs also keeps everyone on the same page.
Install 5’ or taller fencing and use self-latching, self-closing gates. Ask your neighbors to do the same with their pools. Check local building code requirements to make sure your pool area is compliant with all local ordinances.
Use a lockable safety cover on your pool or spa.
Install pool and gate alarms to alert you when children go near the water. Install door alarms or window alarms if your house is the 4th wall of your pool fence.
Check to make sure any pool or spa you use has compliant drain covers; ask your pool service provider if you are unsure. Keep children away from pool drains, pipes, and other openings to avoid entrapments.
Keep your pool or spa cover in good shape. If you notice defects have them repaired or, if possible, purchase a new one.
PLEASE NOTE: This list of pool safety suggestions is basic and not exhaustive. Alaglas Pools cannot be held liable for injuries resulting from careless/reckless actions, improper maintenance or improper use of pool. If an accident or injury occurs, call your local emergency authorities immediately.
Basic Pool Operation
Skimmer / Skimmer Cleaning
Each Alaglas Pool will have a skimmer located on the side of the pool. The skimmer is the point at which water is drawn from the pool by the pump and is key to proper circulation. The skimmer is designed to trap floating debris from the water surface in a basket. The basket can be removed from the skimmer and emptied.
Skimmer Hair & Lint Basket Cleaning
The skimmer basket will also trap debris that is vacuumed from the floor of the pool by a manual cleaning vacuum or some automatic pool cleaners. A plate is inserted into the skimmer over the basket in order to create a suction point for the manual cleaning vacuum or some automatic pool cleaners. You should check the skimmer basket regularly and empty debris from it so as not to impede the operation of the pump.
Once through the skimmer, the water travels along the suction line to the pump itself. At this point, there is a basket built into the pump to trap any debris that managed to get through the skimmer basket. This is called the hair and lint basket and is designed to trap finer particles of debris. Again, this basket is removable and should be cleaned regularly. Please refer to the pump manufacturers’ Operation Manual for specific operation and maintenance instructions.
Water then passes into the filter for the filtration and removal of even finer particles from the water. Filters are generally sand type filters or cartridge type filters. Most filters have a pressure gauge built into the filter that will tell you when to clean the filter. The more clogged the filter becomes the higher the pressure will become, and this is normally indicated on the pressure gauge.
Sand Filter Cleaning
Cleaning a sand filter is easy. Simply turn off the pump and position the handle at the top of the filter to the backwash position. Turn the pump on and you will see the dirty water rushing out through the backwash line. Most filters have a sight glass where you can view this happening. Normally, backwashing for 3-4 minutes is enough. Turn the pump off and move the handle to rinse and run the pump for about 20 seconds. Again, turn the pump off and return the handle to the original filter position and turn the pump on again. Please don’t wander off while you’re backwashing because the water could quickly drop below the level of the skimmer box and run the pump dry. Please refer to the Manufacturer’s Operation Manual for specific operation and maintenance instructions.
Operational Tips for Sand Filter
- Always turn pump “OFF” before changing valve positions.
- Never run pump dry as it depends on water for cooling
- Motor bearings are sealed. DO NOT lubricate.
- Always maintain minimum water level to ½ way up the skimmer mouth, note arrows on both sides of the skimmer mouth. This prevents air from being drawn through the skimmer or potential pump damage resulting from a dry run condition.
- If pump-priming difficulties are experienced, check all suction lines, valves, gaskets and strainer lid to tightness.
- Clean pump strainer regularly.
- Maintain a proper chemical balance in the pool.
NOTE: The operation procedures outlined cover basic filtration systems. In cases where additional equipment such as chemical feed apparatus, heating equipment, etc. have been installed consult with the installer to verify operational and winterization requirements.
Cartridge Filter Cleaning
The cartridge filter must be removed from its housing in order to clean it. Usually, this requires undoing a clamp from the top of the filter and removing the lid. You can then extract the cartridge filter for cleaning. A hose is all you need to wash away the debris that is trapped in the folds of the cartridge filter. Sometimes it helps to slightly open up the folds in the cartridge with your fingers to get the hose right in to thoroughly clean the cartridge. The pump must be off through the entire procedure. Once the cartridge filter is clean, re-assemble the cartridge filter and replace the lid and clamp. There will be some trapped air inside the filter housing. This can be expelled by opening up an air bleed on the top of the lid. Turn the pump on and the air will hiss out of the air bleed. Continue until water spurts out and when this happens, tighten up the air bleed. You’re back in business. Please refer to the Manufacturer’s Operation Manual for specific operation and maintenance instructions.
The clean filtered water will now return to the pool via the return line, but first, it will normally be sanitized. One of the most common systems is a salt chlorinator. The salt chlorinator cell is installed in the return line and produces chlorine from the salt water by means of electrolysis. Please refer to the Manufacturer’s Operation Manual for specific operation and maintenance instructions. Other sanitizing systems are also available. Please refer to these specific Manuals for operation and maintenance instructions.
The clean filtered sanitized water is now on the way back to the pool via the return line. The return line is usually divided at this point into the water returns to the pool via several return jets. It’s a good idea to have one of these jets adjusted to move surface water toward the skimmer and one adjusted toward the floor to move any debris on the floor. The cycle is now complete and if you run your filtration system the correct amount of time according to the size of the pool, usage and temperature conditions you should have very few problems.
If you have questions regarding your filter and its maintenance, contact the Alaglas Dealer who installed your pool.
Standpipe / Sump Tube
Your Alaglas Pools swimming pool may have been installed with a standpipe or sump tube. This is a pipe that travels to the bottom of the swimming pool shell and enables you to measure the height of any underground water. The standpipe or sump tube will also enable you to use a pump to remove water around the pool shell should there be a buildup of groundwater around the pool.
Excessive groundwater around your swimming pool may cause structural damage to your swimming pool that will not be covered by the Alaglas Pools Warranty.
Lowering Pool Level
With pump turned OFF:
- Set valve handle to WASTE.
- Run drain hose to the desired location
- Turn pump ON and run until the desired level is attained.
- Do not drain water below the skimmer box unless doing so under the supervision of your pool builder.
- Turn pump OFF.
- Return valve handle to FILTER.
- Re-start pump.
It is critical that you do not empty your swimming pool or lower the level of the swimming pool water below the skimmer box. This could void your 50-Year Structural Warranty.
Removing the water will place an enormous strain on the structural integrity of the swimming pool resulting in possible damage to the structure of the shell.
Emptying or lowering the water below the skimmer box should only be done under the supervision of your pool builder. If in doubt, contact the manufacturer, Alaglas Pools for advice.
If you empty your Alaglas Pools swimming pool without the supervision of an Alaglas Pool Dealer or manufacturing representative and damage occurs, your swimming pool will not be covered by the Alaglas Pools Warranty.
It is important that when you are installing your swimming pool and undertaking any landscaping work that you keep in mind the drainage of surface water. You must ensure that surface water does not run towards your swimming pool but rather away from the swimming pool. You must install adequate drainage to keep the area around your swimming pool free of heavy surface and sub-surface water.
Excessive water around your swimming pool may cause structural damage to your swimming pool that will not be covered by the Alaglas Pools Warranty.
Pump Maintenance & Priming
- Clean strainer basket regularly. Do NOT strike basket to clean. Inspect strainer cover gasket regularly and replace as necessary.
- Hayward pumps have self-lubricating motor bearings and shaft seals. No lubrication is necessary.
- Keep motor clean. Ensure air vents are free from obstruction to avoid damage. Do NOT use water to hose off motor.
- Occasionally, shaft seals must be replaced, due to wear or damage. Replace with genuine Hayward seal assembly kit.
(After pool to pump plumbing is finished and pool is full of water)
- With the pump “OFF”, remove the lid from the pump strainer basket and pour in approximately 1 gallon of water.
- Replace lid.
- Make sure multiport valve is in “filter” position.
- If isolating check valve has been installed on the pump suction line, close before filling strainer. Open again after lid has been securely fastened in place. Any valve on the return lines should be open.
- Turn pump back on. Pump may take a couple minutes to fully prime.
Valve Operation
System Operation
To Filter:
- With the pump OFF, set valve handle to FILTER.
- Turn pump ON.
To Back-Wash
- With pump OFF, set valve handle to BACK-WASH.
- Run drain hose to the desired location.
- Turn pump ON and run for approximately 1 to 2 minutes or until water shows clear in sight glass.
- Stop pump and proceed to rinse.
To Rinse
- With pump OFF, set valve handle to RINSE.
- Start pump and run for 15-20 seconds.
- Stop pump.
- Set valve handle to FILTER.
- Re-start pump.
To Clean Pump Strainer
- Turn pump OFF.
- Unscrew strainer lid and remove basket.
- Replace lid to prevent the system from draining while the basket is being cleaned.
- Clean basket.
- Restore to pot and fasten lid securely.
- Turn pump OFF. Leave handle at FILTER position. Turn pump ON.
- Place vacuum cleaner in pool with hose and pole attached to vacuum head.
- Fill the hose by submerging under water. Alternatively, hold the hose end over a return inlet until full of water (when all air bubbles have stopped coming out of the vacuum head).
- Install skim vac in skimmer and attach hose.
- Vacuuming is achieved by inserting the hose onto the skimmer vac plate provided.
- Vacuum very slowly for better performance.
- After vacuuming, clean out the pump strainer and skimmer basket of accumulated debris, then back-wash the filter.
- Once vacuuming in complete it’s a good idea to backwash filter to remove all waste.
In some regions of the U.S., it is perfectly okay to leave your pool running all year long. In colder climates, winterizing your pool is highly recommended.
To ensure proper winterizing, you must first make sure that any rainwater, naturally drains away from your pool. Then, a regimen using skimmer plugs and return plugs combined with blowing out the lines is used.
Please follow recommendations from your authorized Alaglas Pool Dealer for winterization. This will vary due to location, elevation, and climate.
Pool Modifications & Repairs
An Alaglas Pools swimming pool is relatively simple to repair should any damage occur. However, only a certified Alaglas Pool technician should perform repairs to your Alaglas Pool.
If you have any repair issues, please contact the Alaglas Pools dealer that installed your pool. If that is not an option, please contact us directly at (877) 655-7179.
Repairs performed by someone not authorized by Alaglas Pools may void your Alaglas Pools Warranty. Please note that all warranty claims must be received in writing and accompanied by supporting information including pictures.
Water Chemistry
Why This is Important
Untreated or improperly treated pool water can be a health threat that could cause serious injury or death. Chemically balanced and sanitized water, on the other hand, will provide a healthy and visually appealing environment for you, your family and friends.
Pool water can be contaminated with algae and bacteria from a variety of sources, including wind, top-off water, animals and swimmers. Controlling these influences is an ongoing requirement and involves:
- Chemically balancing the water to ensure it is neutral for swimmers, the pool itself and all pool equipment.
- Sanitizing the water to oxidize contaminants.
- Filtering the water to remove oxidized contaminants.
- Regular testing and balancing your water to ensure that all acceptable levels are being maintained.
Water Balance
Your swimming pool is a water container and the water it contains must be suitable for swimmers, the pool itself and all pool equipment.
Balanced water means that its chemical demands have been met. If the chemical levels are too low the water will aggressively seek the products it needs by attacking and damaging the pool surface and equipment. At the other end of the scale, high chemical levels will also damage the pool surface and equipment and is unhealthy for swimmers.
Out of balance water can, therefore, cause expensive damage to your Alaglas Pools fiberglass swimming pool and equipment and may also inhibit the sanitation process. In simple terms, a scientific water balance program suggests that you should balance the following variables:
- pH
- Total Alkalinity
- Calcium Hardness
pH is a measure of how acidic or alkaline the water is. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral. Values below 7 are acidic and values above 7 are alkaline.
With pool water, we are seeking a pH balance suitable to the pool users, the swimming pool shell and the sanitizer used. We recommend a pH level between 7.2 and 7.4.
Topping off your pool, heavy rain, heavy bathing loads and chemical additions can all change the pH level of your pool water. pH must be kept within the operating range because if it is too high or too low it can:
- Create swimmer discomfort.
- Interfere with the efficacy of your pool sanitizer.
- Damage your Alaglas Pools fiberglass swimming pool.
Regardless of the chlorine type or chlorinator process you use, any pH drift above 7.2 to 7.4 will inhibit the sanitizing effect of your chlorine and damage your swimming pool.
So, in order to maintain your 50-Year Structural Warranty on your Alaglas Pools swimming pool you must maintain a pH level of 7.2 to 7.4.
We encourage you to keep a monthly written record of the levels in the pool so you can determine trends and anticipate issues.
Total Alkalinity
This is a measure of bicarbonates, carbonates, and hydroxides in your water. The recommended range is 80 to 120 parts per million with 100 parts per million being ideal. To that regard, in order to maintain your 50-Year Structural Warranty on your Alaglas Pools swimming pool, you must maintain the total alkalinity between 80 to 120 parts per million. Again, we encourage you to keep a monthly written record of the levels in the pool in order to determine trends and anticipate issues.
Lower total alkalinity will lead to the water attacking the walls of the Alaglas Pools swimming pool. Low levels will also cause the pH levels to be very unstable with small additions of chemicals resulting in major shifts in the pH values. Your total alkalinity can be changed in the following ways:
- Adding buffer to your pool water to raise the total alkalinity.
- Adding acid to your pool water to lower pH and will also lower total alkalinity.
- Adding water to your pool will change the total alkalinity depending upon the total alkalinity of the top-up water.
The Relationship between pH & Total Alkalinity
Acids will lower the pH and Total Alkalinity. There is a relationship between these two chemical components and because of this; they need to be adjusted together. The levels you want to maintain are:
- pH 7.2 to 7.4
- Total Alkalinity between 80 to 120 parts per million.
Let’s take a look at the relationship. Assume that the pH is in range but the total alkalinity is low. To raise the level, add “Buffer” (sodium bicarbonate) at the required rate. However, buffer is an alkali and will also raise the pH level. Acid, which is used to lower pH, also lowers total alkalinity. The trick is to therefore raise the total alkalinity artificially high so that when the acid is added, to lower the pH to the correct range, the total alkalinity is also reduced to the correct range.
Two acid types are used to lower pH. One is Hydrochloric Acid and the other is Sodium Bisulphate. Both will effectively lower the pH and total alkalinity. If using Hydrochloric Acid to lower pH it is vital that it be diluted (one part of acid to ten parts of water) prior to adding to the pool. Note that the filter should be running during addition and at least for one hour afterward to ensure adequate mixing. No other types of acid should ever be used for pH or total alkalinity adjustment.
Calcium naturally occurs in water. Each area has unique levels of calcium in the water. The higher the calcium concentration in the water, the more prone the pool is to calcium leaching. When the pH is maintained between 7.2 and 7.4 the calcium is balanced in the water.
Calcium levels should be maintained between 90 – 125 parts per million (PPM).
When the pH rises above 7.4, calcium begins to leech out of the water and cling to the swimming pool surface. The higher the pH is allowed to go, the more pronounced the calcification can become. Obviously, the problem occurs more often in areas with higher natural concentrations of calcium in the water (also known as hard water).
All that is required for calcium to fall out of solution creating a layer of scale is a pH of 7.5 or higher and calcium hardness over 150ppm. The higher the levels, the more pronounced the problem will be. The current guidelines being used for adding calcium to water are based on concrete pool guidelines.
If a swimming pool is exposed to high pH levels then an inconsistent discoloration below the waterline can occur. This whitening is due to calcium leaching from the pool water and clinging to the walls, steps, and floor of the pool. It can be seen as a streak or solid area and is especially noticeable when the water level is lowered and the calcium dries.
If the swimming pool is exposed to high pH levels and a discoloration starts to occur, the problem can be treated in the early stage, say 1 to 3 months, with a chemical solution. First, the pH must be lowered to 6.5. Then treat the swimming pool with Muriatic Acid and or calcium treatments available at your local pool supply store. Muriatic Acid refers to a technical grade of Hydrochloric Acid (HCI).
If the pool is equipped with a heater, heat pump, etc. a bypass should be installed to isolate the unit(s) during the treatment to not damage the exchangers. Any other items that may be damaged from an extended low pH environment should also be removed or isolated. Once the problem is controlled, restore the pH to 7.2 to 7.4 and be sure to maintain it between these levels so the problem does not re-appear.
If the swimming pool is maintained with a very high pH over a period of time, longer than 3 months, the problem can turn severe. The calcium begins to combine with the pool chlorine producing a chemical salt known as Calcium Chloride. This is known as CaCI2 and is a salt comprised of calcium and chlorine. The salt attaches itself to the pool surface and causes the surface to appear significantly lighter, especially when dehydrated. In advanced cases, the Calcium Chloride is so bad that the pool still shows the whitening, even when hydrated (full of water).
If the pool has advanced Calcium Chloride but the gelcoat returns to normal when hydrated, the pool can be treated using a chemical solution outlined above. It will take up to 6 months to allow the treatment to totally dissolve the Calcium Chloride, so it is best done over winter months. The pool will become more acidic during this treatment, so it is not recommended for swimming.
If the gelcoat has severe damage by the salt (Calcium Chloride) and it is visible when hydrated, then the solution is to remove the salt from the surface of the pool. To date, we have not been able to identify a chemical solution for salt removal. As a result, the surface needs to be buffed and polished to remove the salt build-up and then to restore the luster of the pool surface. It is however very important that you speak with your builder before draining the pool. (Refer to LOWERING POOL LEVEL tab)
Please note that some areas of the country have inherently high, naturally occurring calcium levels. In these areas, we would suggest that you incorporate a stain and scale treatment as a part of general maintenance. Make sure to discuss this with your water care professional for suggestions about which type to use.
Chlorine is the most commonly used water sanitizer in the world. There are many forms of this highly effective product, including:
- Granular Chlorine (Calcium Hypochlorite) – Granular Chlorine can raise calcium levels (see above).
- Liquid Chlorine (Sodium hypochlorite).
- Stabilized chlorine (chlorine in two forms “dichlor” granular chlorine approximately 60% active and “trichlor” slow dissolving tablets approximately 90% active).
- Saltwater chlorinators – these units produce chlorine through electrolysis of salt in the pool water.
Whatever form of chlorine you use, the pH must be in the correct range and there must be sufficient quantities of chlorine for it to work. It is recommended that free chlorine levels are maintained between 1 to 2 parts per million. Chlorine levels should not exceed 5 parts per million as this can damage the Alaglas Pools swimming pool.
To check Free Available Chlorine, use a DPD test kit or contact your local Alaglas Pools Dealer.
Ultra-violet light attacks chlorine. Stabilizing pool water involves adding the chemical Cyanuric Acid to reduce the amount of chlorine destroyed by sunlight. Up to 5 parts per million of free available chlorine can be destroyed in three hours in strong sunlight.
For health and financial reasons, it is important to overcome this effect as much as possible. Stabilizing the water is strongly recommended in all outdoor pools. For the initial stabilizing of a new pool, Cyanuric Acid should be added to achieve the recommended level of 30 to 50 parts per million.
Stabilizer is lost through splash-out and backwashing of the filter, and so will need to be replaced, especially during the swimming season. To do this it is necessary to first test for residual levels in the water. A water professional will be able to test the water in your pool and tell you how much stabilizer to add.
As you only need stabilizer in warmer months, adjust the level at the beginning of the swimming season and check it every few months during the season. Of course, if you have to pump out water, or if you lose a lot through splash-out and backwashing, more frequent testing and adjusting will be required.
Adding Chemicals
A general rule is, it is far better to add small amounts of chemicals, running the filter and testing the effect after several hours. Attempting large chemical changes by adding large amounts of chemicals can result in big problems.
Water Quality Issues Guide
Problem | What to look for | Treatment | |
Cloudy Water | Pool Filtration | Slow filter turnover rates. | Backwash and clean filter. Run filter for 24 hours. Increase run time per day. |
Algae Growth | Hazy pool – may have slightly green appearance. | With your Alaglas Dealers’ guidance, super chlorinate the water and brush pool wall. | |
Unbalanced Water | High hardness, High TDS (total dissolved solids), High pH, High total alkalinity. | Balance the pool water or call your Alaglas Pool Dealer. | |
Algae | Green Algae | Pea green in color, attached to pool walls, sometimes colors the entire body of water. | Check pH and adjust if necessary. Under your Alaglas Dealers’ guidance, super chlorinate water and brush pool walls. Repeat until algae is gone. |
Black Algae | Black spots on pool walls. | Brush affected areas. Under your Alaglas Dealers’ guidance, super chlorinate water and add algaecide. Vacuum pool. Repeat until algae is gone. | |
Mustard Algae | Yellow or brown film on steps or walls. | Brush affected areas. Under your Alaglas Dealers’ guidance, super chlorinate water and add algaecide. Vacuum pool. Repeat until algae is gone. |
NOTE: If you are experiencing water quality problems. Contact your Alaglas Pool Dealer and bring in a water sample for testing. Your Alaglas Dealer will be able to recommend the proper treatment to keep your water balanced and sparkling clear.
Salt Chlorinator
Main Switch
AUTO: For normal operation, the Main Switch should be left in the AUTO position. In this position, the Aqua Rite will produce chlorine according to the “Desired Output %” adjustment setting for the entire filtering/pumping cycle.
SUPER CHLORINATE: When you have an abnormally high bather load, a large amount of rain, a cloudy water condition, or any other condition which needs a large amount of purification to be introduced, put the Main Switch into the SUPER CHLORINATE position. This electronically “super chlorinates” (shocks) the water for 24 hours (filter pump must be on during this time) or until the power has been turned off, whichever comes first. At the end of the super chlorinate time, be sure to put the switch back into the AUTO position.
OFF: This position prevents the Aqua Rite from energizing the electrolytic cell. In this position, there is no chlorine generation.
NOTE: To service any of the pool equipment or the Aqua Rite, turn the power off at the circuit breaker.
Indicator LEDs
POWER: When illuminated, the Aqua Rite has input power.
GENERATING: This LED is on steady during normal operation. When flashing, the pool water is too hot or cold to operate.
SUPER CHLORINATE: Illuminates during super-chlorination. See the description above.
REMOTELY CONTROLLED: When illuminated, indicates that a remote pool automation control (Hayward Pro Logic, etc.) is controlling the Aqua Rite—the main switch and “Desired Output %” adjustment are inactive.
NO FLOW: When illuminated, the flow switch has detected no water flowing and the Aqua Rite has stopped generating chlorine. A flashing LED indicates a 15-60 second time delay period.
CHECK SALT: When flashing, the salt level is low (below 2700 ppm) and Aqua Rite is generating at low efficiency. When illuminated steady, the salt level is too low and Aqua Rite has shut down. Before adding large quantities of salt, it is advisable to have your salt level professionally checked.
HIGH SALT: When illuminated, the salt level is too high and Aqua Rite has shut down.
INSPECT CELL: A flashing indicator signifies that either the cell efficiency is reduced or that it is time for regularly scheduled cell inspection. In either case, inspect cell and clean if necessary. When illuminated steady, cell efficiency is greatly reduced, and the Aqua Rite has stopped producing chlorine. Inspect, clean or replace if necessary. This light will come on every 3 months as a reminder to remove the salt cell and inspect and clean as necessary. To remove this light after inspection, press and hold the “Diagnostic” button for 3 seconds or until light turns off. This will reset the internal timer for another 3-month interval.
Salt Chlorinator Operation
Assuming the water chemical levels are in the recommended range, there are three factors you can control which directly contribute to the amount of chlorine the Aqua Rite will generate:
- filter time each day (hours)
- the “Desired Output %” setting
- the amount of salt in the pool
The filter pump timer should be set so all the water in the pool passes through the filter each day. For pools with high chlorine demand, the timer may need to be set longer to generate enough chlorine.
Salt Chlorinator Troubleshooting
On this inside panel of your salt generator is a trouble shooting guide as well as a proper water chemistry guide. Follow all instructions and do not attempt to perform repairs unless owner’s manual states you can make repairs without certified pool professional.
Important Recommendations
Alaglas Recommends
- KEEP DANGER / NO DIVING stickers on the pool and in good repair.
- Backwash filter every 7 – 10 days or when pressure is high (8-10 psi) above clean filter pressure. Keep skimmer basket and pump basket clean.
- Once a year, drop the water level six inches and wax the water line up and across the top with high-grade auto wax.
- Use 409 or non-abrasive cleaner for stains or scum line. For stubborn stains, use a regular polishing compound, then apply two coats of wax over compounded areas.
- Freezing will not hurt our fiberglass pools, so you can leave it full and running in the winter. During extreme freezing, lower the water level to just below the skimmer and drain all the lines plus the pump and filter – for complete information refer to Winterizing in the Basic Pool Operation section above.
- Run your pump continuously.
- Direct the returns to create a flow of water in a circular motion.
- Back-wash the filter when the nozzles lose pressure. Keep the basket in the skimmer clean.
- Keep water level should be kept in line with the arrows located in the center of the skimmer plate. Lower water levels will cause the pump to lose prime resulting in pump damage. Higher water levels reduce the effectiveness of the skimmer.
Alaglas Does NOT Recommend
- Using any acid wash on fiberglass pools. Use of acid wash can void your Alaglas 10-Year Surface Warranty.
- Using any abrasive cleaners like Comet, Ajax or Grease Lightening. Use of abrasive cleaners can void your Alaglas 10-Year Surface Warranty.
- Using Brillo pads or similar scratch pads on fiberglass pools. Use of scratchpads can void your Alaglas 10-Year Surface Warranty.
- Draining your pool at any time unless under the supervision of your pool builder, Alaglas Dealer or without Alaglas Pools’ knowledge or assistance. This could void your Alaglas 50-Year Structural Warranty.
- Adding chemicals directly into the pool. ALWAYS add chlorine to water, NEVER water to chlorine.
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165 Sweet Bay Road
Saint Matthews, SC 29135
Hours of Operation
Monday: 8am - 4pm
Tuesday: 8am - 4pm
Wednesday: 8am - 4pm
Thursday: 8am - 4pm
Friday: Closed
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed